What’s Your Angle, Two Point Perspective?

Drawing Homework Due 09/28/16


“Calvin and Hobbes” by Bill Watterson knows all, sees all… including the value of perspective! Notice Calvin’s room is rendered in two point perspective in the second to last panel. 😀

As we sally forth on our sometimes brain-melting discussion of linear perspective, your homework explores more about the two point variety. For next week, complete the following tasks due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, September 28:


Watch this video on using two-point perspective to draw boxes or scenes from your imagination. It is applicable to what you will be doing on your homework worksheets.

As you watch, some of you may be asking, “Hey, what about that confusing envelope box thing?!? This guy doesn’t make and subdivide no stinkin’ envelopes!” (I’ve totally mastered the idiomatic speech of SCC students, haven’t I?) Remember that envelope boxes are only necessary if you want to lay out relative scale, such as when you’re trying to draw what you see while keeping each thing in proper proportion. You can use envelopes to lay out a scene from your imagination, but it is not necessary if the relative scale of the objects is not an issue, (which it is likely not for this pretend cityscape).

For more information and a written breakdown of what you saw in the video, you can check out the related lesson on The Virtual Instructor.

TwoComplete the second section of the perspective worksheet packet you received last week. This means pages 6, 7 and 8 (the final three sheets), which cover two point perspective. For pages 6 and 7, you can draw directly on the worksheets. For page 8, use a separate piece of paper to create your cityscape. Since you will spend a little time on this task, choose a decent, unlined piece of paper (in other words, not from your creativity journal). The paper should be at least 8 1/2 by 11 inches to allow you enough room to work. You can use a piece of computer paper or a sheet of newsprint from your pad.

Work neatly and use a ruler or straight edge for making lines. You may draw in graphite or charcoal. Start light so you can easily erase mistakes and/or excess lines.

Have fun and be creative. What kind of cool things can you put in your city? Maybe it’s the City of Townsville and Alien Monkey Monsters are attacking in their box-shaped spaceships. Feel free to play a little.

number3As with last week, do an image search on the wide world o’ the web to find a piece of artwork or a photograph, this time demonstrating two point perspective. Make sure it is an actual artwork or photograph and not simply a diagram or pre-made perspective study.

precise_google_image_searchOnce you have found a suitable two point perspective image, click “view image” from the image search. This will take you to a page that hosts the image online. You know you are on an image-specific page because the url (web address) at the top of the browser window will end in .jpg, .gif or .png. Copy the entire url and paste it in a comment on this post. The image won’t go live until you hit “Reply”. I have provided an example for you in the comments.

For more instructions on making comments on our blog, check out the step-by-step instructions.

 Be prepared to point out the horizon line, vanishing points and orthogonal lines to your classmates next week. 

Don’t forget to work those wacky creativity journals. We’re almost halfway to the first review, so, if you’ve been falling behind, now is the time to get caught up. Let yourself loose, and see what’s possible!


Questions? I’m just an e-mail away. Have a glorious week full of inspiration and adventure!

7 thoughts on “What’s Your Angle, Two Point Perspective?

  1. https://mondaymuseum.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/gustave_caille_1877_wiki-1-large-jpg1.jpg?w=640&h=392&crop=1

    I chose Gustave Caillebotte’s A Paris Street; Rainy Day to demonstrate two-point perspective used in a painting and successfully lending the illusion of a three-dimensional scene. This is a painting I have admired because the implied simplicity of the scene is really heavily spaced with portions of optical perspective.

    So, when in my Google search on two-point perspective paintings, A Paris Street; Rainy Day appeared, it had to be given press due to this painting offering even more than I had previously suspected.

    At first glance, my eyes rest on the couple in the right foreground, as they purposely choose to ignore the the viewer. Then the other folks, who all bought umbrellas at the same boutique, grow increasingly smaller as they are scattered towards the horizon. Back to the uppity couple, and aha, the dude approaching them off the right end foreground is even closer! Then I was impressed with the cobblestone street decreasing in size, along with the flagstone sidewalk, melting towards the horizon.

    It’s the boomerang shaped building on the left horizon, that calls out the two-point perspective. There it is the golden nugget, anchoring the whole scene, with orthogonal lines following along each of its six stories, mimicked by all the gray umbrellas.


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